Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why do the birds fly south in winter when we have global warrming

As we go through this sarticky hot raniey summer we are remmined of how far some of us or just humans in general will go too stick it too an nother of their peers when i got the mailtodayhere was an survery too fill out stating they havent yet recivedthe last survery but i know differan t cause i sent it in then when you tell the resepectionist the problem she who is another one of these peerfect tv commericals like wanna be like humans abought the reason for all you called abought she tries too turn the conversation all upside down and one sided making you feel and belive that you are in some kinda fault in life but your not all i stated and want is my money back that juniata valley bank stole or lost if we can prosucate berniey madoff then why not others or is justioce only for those with losses comparable too an hedge fund value and ones that lost 1 mill or so not too recieve justice at all but too go to their death bed knowing that i was screwed while i sadly looked then straight in the face and set down with em at tables for dinner this kinda of stealing goes on every day in the new america i still think that if we were an person of enthinicty we would be better off cause here in the north east all the colored ones have jobs and an good income seems like the whites are becomming the silent minoraity of these united states all i ask is too be able too pay my billsthat i make everymonth and not go hungary for the last week of the month but this is even getting an little bit too much in todays america not all of this is fair and it seems that its gonna get worser before it gets any better well hold the head up and chin straight and if we are lucky the lord will come as we sleep and takc us home.

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